I haven’t post anything for some time now. I won't deny that blogging is just plain fun and very tempting to try. What better way to gossip about others or ramble on about your feelings in a way that everyone is forced to listen to your opinions? But unfortunately it can go terribly wrong. Let me tell you a story to illustrate my point.
A few years ago when I was still in middle school a great war broke out between certain members of my group of friends.
To this day I don't know how it all got started, but it only escalated, and rapidly. Soon blogs were flying all over the internet. Most of the people involved had at least two blogs with different sites and they posted all types of hate messages about the other people.
Of course everyone and their brother read those blogs and soon gossip was flying all over school. Secrets that they knew about each other were now all too public. Feelings were hurt and any chance of an apology between the people who originally started it were lost.
And unfortunately that wasn't the end of it. After that began to die down someone managed to hack the other person's account and began changing their profile and journal entries to say horrible things. And, naturally, others retaliated and hacked the other peoples' accounts. It was all a big mess and it didn't die down for months to come.
The point I'm trying to make with all this is that there are so many things that can go wrong with a blog. Even if you're not-so-good friends aren't able to hack into it they can still do some terrible things to you in real life if they find out you've been saying things about them they don't appreciate. Not only can your friends get offended by what you've said, many companies have started researching their client's accounts to see what kind of people they are. So that "harmless" little blog you posted about how drunk you got last weekend is suddenly laid out for the world to see.
Of course if you could write a harmless blog that only said good things about everyone and never mentioned your less than honorable habits then there wouldn't be a problem. But if you can't say how you really feel then what is the point of a blog in the first place?
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